Launching a financial feature
in a week
Design Sprint
“We needed to design, build and test ideas fast.”
Invest Now Pay Later (INPL) was launched to attract clients with lower liquidity to invest in The Family Office (TFO) a wealth management business.
After launching the feature, they found not a single person signed up to the scheme even though customers seemed to love the idea on paper.
We ran a design sprint as TFO wanted results and action fast. We found out the reason people didn't sign up was due to lack of trust, confusion and friction to sign up to the scheme. We designed a new landing page to focus on signing up to INPL.
My Role
Key Result
New clients for TFO
Secured more work
The Family Office (TFO)
What's the situation?
I kicked the project off by interviewing different stakeholders including sales, product, marketing, data and C-level executives. Each had vastly different opinions on why INPL failed, how to fix it and what were the business goals.
Insight #1
Different teams were responsible for INPL with each having a different opinions  - this lead to some confusion around what INPL is for clients and employees
What’s the core challenge?
“There's a lot of confusion around INPL...”
In those interviews, it became crystal clear that INPL got its start without everyone on the same page. This meant clients were confused which in turn meant clients didn't trust TFO.
Challenge #1
How might we make clients trust and understand INPL?
What happened in Bahrain?
“We needed everyone to be aligned on INPL.”
My boss and I took a trip to Bahrain for a design sprint. We had a bunch of goals in mind, but a crucial one was to make sure that everyone in charge agreed on what INPL is as a feature.
Insight #2
The team decided on focusing effort around communicating as early as possible the value of INPL, who it's meant for and what the scheme does.
What came next after the workshop?
After 2 days locked in a room full of marketing, sales, executives, data and product teams, the winning idea, was to design a new landing page. This page would zero in on conveying INPL's value and illustrate how it works. For this, the brainchild of the team was an interactive calculator, aimed at helping potential clients grasp the scheme and see if they qualified.
We sent the workshop results back to the London crew who built the prototype. Meanwhile, I gave feedback on the prototype making sure it stayed true to the workshop vision in both form and function.
With the prototype wrapped up, few other designers ran some user test to get feedback on the prototype. Our aim was to gauge if this was indeed an improvement and pinpoint any areas that needed further fine-tuning.
Insight #3
Clients wanted more transparency aroud the scheme - they wanted to know past performance, investment deals, exit fees...
Insight #4
Clients wanted less friction when it came to finding specific information or getting into contact with a real person.
What’s the final solution?
The landing page and calculator marked a massive leap from the previous version. Clients expressed a newfound understanding of the value and scheme, showing genuine interest in signing up. Since then, we've helped TFO in relaunching the campaign, and we've witnessed a stream of new clients jumping aboard. Still, there's room for more enhancements, but this success story has paved the way for the studio to secure additional projects.
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